Ellerston Public School

I Will Try

Telephone02 6546 5157


Behaviour code and discipline

Ellerston Public Schools'd Behaviour Code and Discipline & Wellbeing Procedures for school and students


Ellerston Public School and all NSW public schools are committed to providing safe, supportive and responsive learning environments for everyone. We teach and model the behaviours we value in our students. This document was written using the Behaviour Code for StudentsThe Wellbeing Framework for Schools, The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and the School Excellence Framework.

The school environment is pivotal to the growth and development of our most important assets – our children and young people. Our schools strive for excellence in teaching and learning, connect on many levels and build trusting and respectful relationships for students to succeed.


The aim of this document is to outline the Ellerston Public School procedures and expectations of behaviour, to maximise student wellbeing and engagement with the curriculum.


Our students will be actively connected to their learning, have positive and respectful relationships and experience a sense of belonging to their school and community.

Our students will be respected, valued, encouraged, supported and empowered to succeed.

Our students will grow and flourish, do well and prosper.

In all NSW public schools, students are expected to;

  • Respect other students, their teachers, school staff and community members
  • Follow school and class rules and follow the directions of their teachers
  • Strive for the highest standards in learning
  • Respect all members of the school community and show courtesy to all students, teachers and community members
  • Resolve conflict respectfully, calmly and fairly
  • Comply with the school's uniform policy or dress code
  • Attend school every day (unless legally excused)
  • Respect all property
  • Not be violent or bring weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco into our school
  • Not bully, harass, intimidate or discriminate against anyone in our school.

Ellerston Public School's Behaviour Code and Discipline & Wellbeing Procedures outline the actions we will take in response to behaviour that is detrimental to self or others, or to the achievement of high quality teaching and learning.

Ellerston Public School Behaviour Code for Students

Promoting the learning, wellbeing and safety of all students is a high priority for Ellerston Public School.

We implement teaching and learning approaches to support the development of skills needed by students to meet our high-standards for respectful, safe and engaged behaviour.


  • Treat one another with dignity
  • Speak and behave courteously
  • Cooperate with others
  • Develop positive and respectful relationships and think about the effect on relationships before acting
  • Value the interests, ability and culture of others
  • Dress appropriately by complying with the school uniform or dress code
  • Take care with property


  • Model and follow departmental, school and/or class codes of behaviour and conduct
  • Negotiate and resolve conflict with empathy
  • Take personal responsibility for behaviour and actions
  • Care for self and others
  • Avoid dangerous behaviour and encourage others to avoid dangerous behaviour


  • Attend school every day (unless legally excused)
  • Arrive at school and class on time
  • Be prepared for every lesson
  • Actively participate in learning
  • Aspire and strive to achieve the highest standards of learning

The principal and school staff, using their professional judgment, are best placed to maintain discipline and provide safe, supportive and responsive learning environments.

Discipline procedure

Class rules are created at the beginning of the year as a collaborative and cooperative activity between teacher and students. The rules are framed positively and can be updated throughout the year as necessary, e.g. Do be sun safe, DO play safely etc.  Generally, a class will have no more than five specific rules, however students have a responsibility to exercise respect, safety and engagement throughout their schooling. The behaviour code expectations  relate all student behaviour.

If a student is breaking a school or class rule, teacher judgement will be exercised to best steer that student back toward learning. Students are generally offered a choice by the teacher, both options being positive and allowing the student to achieve the learning goals of the lesson.

Note: Time-out is monitored by the teacher on duty. Students are encouraged to write a letter demonstrating their feelings, or sit and wait patiently until they have served their time. The teacher on duty will discuss the expectations and expected behaviours at EPS.

Discipline procedure – flow chart (in class)

  1. Verbal warning. Name written on board.
  2. Movement to an agreed place in the room. Tick next to name.
  3. Movement to buddy class (10 minutes). Second tick next to name.
  4. Time out next break. Incident recorded in Sentral (school wellbeing monitoring tool).
  5. Communication with parent.

A recorded incident on Sentral will coincide with a communication with the student's parent/ guardian. Should a student receive 3 incidents on Sentral within a 5 week period, a formal meeting between the student, parent, teacher and principal will be held and a PLSP including a behavioural SMART goalwill be jointly created.

Discipline procedure – flow chart (in playground)

  1. Verbal warning. Redirection to rule following behaviour.
  2. Time out for 5 minutes. Discussion of expectation and playground rules.
  3. Time our for the rest of play or next play. Incident recorded in Sentral. Communication with parent.

Note: Physically violent behaviour will result in 3rd step discipline procedure and potential warning of suspension.

Incidents are recorded on Sentral under Wellbeing and include time, date, area, behaviour, reporting teacher and a write up of the events.

Positive affirmations

Ellerston Public School strives for intrinsic motivation from its students. Students are provided with positive feedback when demonstrating the expected behaviours, and are praised for socially goodbehaviours. Older students are expected to be role models for younger students, and as such, they are encouraged to be socially responsible, helpful and kind with their peers, always.

Students who demonstrate positive behaviours may be rewarded with Student of the Week. This involves a badge for the week, a certificate and their photo in the newsletter. Student of the Week is recorded on Sentral under Wellbeing and includes date, positive behaviour and the awarding teacher.


Our shared understanding of wellbeing is that it;

  • is dynamic and integral to learning
  • focuses on attributes and strengths that teach and support children and young people to grow and learn from challenges and complexities
  • recognises the importance of developing and shaping the character of the individual
  • is multidimensional and interrelated
  • takes into account the context of children's and young people's lives and uses both objective and subjective measures
  • incorporates the views and perspectives of children and young people themselves throughout the different stages of development
  • considers the wellbeing of children and young people in the present as well as focussing on long-term outcomes
  • acknowledges the diversity of contributors to and influences on the wellbeing of children and young people, and recognises our obligations and responsibilities.

Proactive measures for teachers

To proactively insure positive behaviour, wellbeing and access to the curriculum, as per the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, teachers at Ellerston Public School will;

  • Establish and implement inclusive and positive interactions to engage and support all students in classroom activities.
  • Establish and maintain orderly and workable routines to create an environment where student time is spent on learning tasks.
  • Manage challenging behaviour by establishing and negotiating clear expectations with students and address discipline issues promptly, fairly and respectfully.
  • Ensure students' wellbeing and safety within school by implementing school and/ or system, curriculum and legislative requirements.
  • Incorporate strategies to promote the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching.


To be reviewed, February – 2019.

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